I've been down for a week now with a nasty chest cold that has kept me on the couch with Kleenex and cough drops. but today, armored with a bit more energy and inspired by freshly falling snow, i ventured out for a short walk with Nuchie who has been patiently waiting for my recovery.
we started out on a foot trail near our house. I like these little trails where i don't have to worry about snow machines or 4-wheelers and where Nuch and i can romp without ruining ski tracks.

it was slow going. 5 solid days of hacking has left me feeling like someone was squeezing the bottom 2/3 of my lungs, leaving me with little breathing capacity for a hilly trail that really required snowshoes.
but going slow provides other opportunities. stopping to gasp gave me time to look around and see the trail i might have otherwise looked past.
a peeling birch. i mean, how cool is this tree? pretty and good fire starter, not to mention its importance to Athabascan cultures in making birch bark baskets.

the promise of summer in frozen high bush cranberries leftover from last year. these little guys grace many Fairbanks tables in the form of syrup, jelly, and wine every fall. they are part of the bounty we try to keep up with during our short summer months.

i finally made it back home, thanks to the unflagging support of Nuchie, my trusty bad dog. even though it was a short walk, it was good to get outside again and see some of the world's details.
oooh...I need to find all these trails! I still feel so "new" to town; I don't know where to start!
Also...which pieces did you get from Marcie? isn't her stuff awesome? Trust me; it's even more fun when you can actually make jewelry with her. She makes you feel like whatever you created is a priceless piece of art. Enjoy!
thank you for FINALLY updating your blog! I totally needed a Brownie fix. I'd say you are looking better and your bad dog isn't THAT bad--- Can't wait to get home and see all the fresh snow!
I 2nd the updating comment! Glad you're up and running -- and writing -- again.
Glad to hear you're on the mend Brownie! I have been inflicted with the same illness: I forgot just how exhausting being sick and coughing are. Very humbling :)
Hugs and love
Lisa (Kiwi) xxxx
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