Thursday, September 25, 2008

simple pleasures

sometimes in this complicated world, it's good to be reminded of life's simpler pleasures. kids have a way of focusing you in on these things. Anna and i spent some time together yesterday afternoon after work while her mom was working late. i was stressed, tired, feeling WAY behind, yet Anna managed to convince me that sitting in front of the stove watching cookies bake was an extremely valuable use of time.

she was right.


Jules said...

cookies and anna time, now i'm really homesick for fairbanks!

but maybe it'll snow there this weekend, and it's suppose to be in the 70's here, so no complaints. mellow weekend here - simple trail run and a canning pickled beets project. and you're probably picking cranberries there...

enjoy it for me!
hope you're well -

Anonymous said...

mmmm, cookies.

Brownie is my friend! I like Nook too!